Jornal americano New York Times volta a destacar o impeachment
contra a presidente Dilma Rousseff; reportagem desta terça-feira
ressalta que a presidente tem preparado seu contra-ataque no Palácio do
Alvorada contra “aqueles parasitas” que assumiram o poder em um processo
de impeachment sem base legal, de acordo com ela; diz ainda que o
governo interino liderado por Michel Temer cometeu uma série de erros
embaraçosos desde que o Congresso afastou Dilma da presidência; ontem,
em editorial, o NYT disse que o Brasil leva ouro em corrupção
247 - O jornal americano The New York Times voltou a
destacar o golpe contra Dilma Rousseff. Em reportagem nesta terça-feira
6, o jornal afirma que a presidente tem preparado seu contra-ataque no
Palácio do Alvorada contra “aqueles parasitas” que assumiram o poder em
um processo de impeachment sem base legal, de acordo com ela. O texto
diz ainda que o governo interino liderado por Michel Temer cometeu uma
série de erros embaraçosos desde que o Congresso afastou Dilma da
Ontem, em editorial, o NYT disse que o Brasil leva ouro em corrupção (leia aqui).
Abaixo, a reportagem desta terça, em inglês:
BRASÍLIA — The first time the lights went out in her presidential
palace, Dilma Rousseff grimaced. The next time, she rolled her eyes. The
third time, she jumped out of her chair, demanding that subordinates
find out what was going on.
“This was my area,” she fumed during an interview, pointing out that
she had made Brazil’s electricity grid a top priority before she was
suspended last month as president. “I don’t know why this is happening.”
With Ms. Rousseff stripped of her authority, a sense of powerlessness
and indignation pervades the Palácio da Alvorada, the cavernous
residence where she is allowed to stay while the fight to oust her once
and for all grinds on in the Senate.
It was not supposed to be like this. Brazil was hoping to celebrate
its triumphs in the run-up to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, not
play host to a jaw-dropping spectacle of political dysfunction.
Ms. Rousseff, Brazil’s first female president, was supposed to be
preparing to greet world leaders, not enduring the humiliation of an
impeachment battle that has her hanging by a thread.
“These parasites,” is what she called her rivals trying to impeach her, many of whom are facing their own scandals.
For now, she is still surrounded by the trappings of luxury in the
palace designed by Oscar Niemeyer: the battalion of servants serving
tiny cups of coffee, the heated pool in a well-manicured garden, the
modernist masterpieces by Emiliano Di Cavalcanti and Alfredo Volpi
hanging on the walls.
But the futuristic palace feels less like a lavish manor these days
than a bunker. Stewing as she tries to make sense of her predicament and
prepares for her impeachment trial, Ms. Rousseff compared her rivals to
the strangler figs that envelop trees in the jungle, slowly choking
them to death.
The interim government led by Michel Temer, the vice president who
took over the nation last month after breaking with Ms. Rousseff, has
suffered a series of embarrassing blunders since legislators suspended
First, one of Mr. Temer’s top allies stepped down as planning
minister after a secret recording emerged late last month. On it, an
aide laid out how their party — the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party,
or P.M.D.B. — had pursued Ms. Rousseff’s ouster in order to thwart the
investigation into the colossal graft scheme surrounding Brazil’s
national oil company, Petrobras.
Then, the new transparency minister — essentially Mr. Temer’s
anticorruption czar — resigned after another recording seemed to show
that he had also tried to stymie the Petrobras inquiry.
Beyond that, Mr. Temer, 75, a lawyer who speaks an archaic Portuguese
that flummoxes his countrymen, decided not to name any women or
Afro-Brazilians to his cabinet. His choices opened him to withering
criticism in a country where more than half of the people define
themselves as black or mixed race, and where women feature prominently
in the halls of Congress, the Supreme Court and the executive suites of
large corporations.
“It’s a provisional government of rich white men,” Ms. Rousseff, a
self-described leftist who was an operative in an urban guerrilla group
in her youth, said about the administration of her adversary. “I never
thought that I would see in Brazil a government as conservative as this
Ms. Rousseff and her allies hope that the recent blows to Mr. Temer’s
legitimacy can tilt the impeachment vote to her favor. She pointed out
that all she needs is a handful of senators to change their votes for
her to be reinstated as president.
Ms. Rousseff’s bicycles at Palácio da Alvorada. She said that she
hewed to routines each day, riding in the morning and reading at night.
Credit Tomas Munita for The New York Times
Still, for every misstep by her adversaries, Ms. Rousseff and her own top confidants have also found themselves caught off-guard by new revelations in federal graft inquiries, reflecting the challenges that her Workers’ Party faces in its ambition to win her impeachment trial.
Still, for every misstep by her adversaries, Ms. Rousseff and her own top confidants have also found themselves caught off-guard by new revelations in federal graft inquiries, reflecting the challenges that her Workers’ Party faces in its ambition to win her impeachment trial.
Ms. Rousseff remains rare among major political figures in that she
has not been accused of stealing for personal gain. Instead, she faces
charges of manipulating the budget in order to hide the depths of
Brazil’s economic woes.
But a former Petrobras executive has also testified that Ms. Rousseff
lied about her knowledge of a bribery-fueled refinery deal when she was
the chairwoman of the company’s board. She denies the claim.
Potentially even more damaging, the Brazilian magazine Isto É
reported in recent days that a construction magnate testified that Ms.
Rousseff negotiated an illegal $3.5 million donation for her 2014
re-election campaign.
Ms. Rousseff rejected the account, calling it a “slanderous” part of a
news media campaign attacking her “personal honor.” But together with
other developments — her campaign strategist and the former treasurer of
the Workers’ Party are among Ms. Rousseff’s allies already in jail on
graft charges — the reports have further eroded her credibility.
Josias de Souza, a prominent political columnist, described the
latest revelations tarnishing the camps of both Ms. Rousseff and Mr.
Temer as “a classic power struggle between criminal factions” taking
place before a recession-weary society.
Despite such grim assessments, Ms. Rousseff is avidly preparing her
defense. She consults with aides, bounces strategies off lawyers.
Sometimes, her legal team convenes in the quiet chapel on the grounds of
the palace.
Ms. Rousseff is still surrounded by the trappings of luxury in the
presidential palace, designed by Oscar Niemeyer. But it feels less like a
lavish manor these days than a bunker. Credit Tomas Munita for The New
York Times
“They’ve always wanted me to resign, but I won’t,” she said, arguing that her rivals were carrying out a coup, albeit one with the Supreme Court’s stamp of approval. “I really disturb the parasites, and I’ll keep on disturbing them.”
“They’ve always wanted me to resign, but I won’t,” she said, arguing that her rivals were carrying out a coup, albeit one with the Supreme Court’s stamp of approval. “I really disturb the parasites, and I’ll keep on disturbing them.”
Senate leaders said on Monday that the impeachment trial was expected
to conclude sometime in early August, potentially producing
embarrassing street protests as the Olympic Games get underway,
regardless of how the Senate rules.
In the meantime, Ms. Rousseff expresses irritability, if not
resignation, over the toll that the political upheaval has had on the
young democracy established in 1985 in Brazil after a long military
“This is a turning point,” she said about the rupture producing Mr. Temer’s ascension. “A pact that existed has broken.”
Glossing over criticism that her policies laid the groundwork for
Brazil’s economic crisis, she argued that the economy would already be
on the mend if congressional leaders had not thwarted measures aimed at
restoring confidence.
Otherwise, Ms. Rousseff said that she hewed to routines each day,
riding her bicycle in the morning and reading at night, devouring each
digital edition of The New York Review of Books. Lately, she has been
reading “SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome,” by the English classical
scholar Mary Beard.
Ms. Rousseff said that she found some bemusement in investigators
comparing Eduardo Cunha, who led the impeachment campaign as the speaker
of the lower house before he was suspended to face corruption charges,
to Catiline, the senator who conspired to overthrow the Roman Republic
in the first century B.C.
Cicero, the orator and constitutionalist, denounced Catiline in a
series of speeches before the Senate, and Ms. Rousseff, smiling as she
recalled her schoolgirl Latin, said: “Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus
The sentence was from one of the speeches, which questioned how much
longer Catiline would continue abusing the republic’s patience. In the
question repeated by Ms. Rousseff, Cicero asked, “How long is that
madness of yours still to mock us?”
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